DEI Statement

At zeroheight we live and breathe our values, building an inclusive and diverse team is what makes us great. We are proud of the culture we’ve created and by embracing individuality we continue to add to our culture.

We look to hire the best, give an amazing experience throughout and we don’t discriminate against who or what you are. Our employees are encouraged to be their authentic selves, allowing us to celebrate our differences and learn from one another. All we ask is that you be yourself, love what you do and give 100%.

DEI Survey Results

71% Participation

We want to thank you all for taking the time to participate in this survey and share your thoughts. We appreciate your honesty because it helps us understand what we’re doing well and, more importantly, what zeroheight could be doing better.

Question Favourability Score* Compared to last year Compared to similar companies
zeroheight builds teams that are diverse. 78% +7% 71%
I trust zeroheight to build diverse teams. 82% n/a (new question) 71%
I feel like I belong at zeroheight. 82% -5% 80%
I can be my authentic self at work. 80% -5% 87%
I am comfortable sharing my personal background and experiences at zeroheight. 82% +6% 85%
I feel respected at zeroheight. 87% +2% 86%
zeroheight values diversity. 84% -3% 83%
I can comfortably share my concerns with my managers/supervisors. 89% -5% no comparison data
I feel I get the opportunity to speak up and be heard in a meeting. 84% -6% no comparison data
I feel my opinion is valued. 84% +13% 77%
I feel confident in voicing a contrary opinion in a meeting. 78% -1% 74%
The leadership team is diverse. 20% n/a (new question) no comparison data

*percentage of people who chose a favourable response, like 'Strongly agree' or 'Agree’.

Ethnicity 🌍

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Gender Identity 🧒

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Highest form of education 🎓

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Age 🗓️

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